Who decides who I am going to be?
Do Strangers, my friends, or my family?
Searching for love, acceptance, worth, security
Who defines me?
Answers are tucked within my deepest pains
Those rejections that leave the lasting stains
Longing to fix the relationships that are strained
What if I can’t?
What decides who I am going to be?
Do my wounds decide my identity?
Hurt deep down inside screams to be healed instantly
Is this the end?
Struggling to control those around me
Hoping for protection from future grief
My vain attempts will fail and still leave me hurting
What should I do?
Am I giving my painful past a say?
Why am I letting what I cannot change
Determine who I am going to be today?
Is it worth it?
God declares that I am worth Jesus Christ
He alone has power to make things right
Reminding me that the pain is not worth the fight
Will I trust Him?
I decide who I am going to be
Jesus Christ is the One Who will heal me
He asks that I trust and obey confidently
Will I?
Love this.