February 17, 2011

Offended...Insights from a Recovering Legalist

Paul says in Galatians that Jesus Christ is offensive. In John 6, Jesus asks if those following Him were offended. Oswald Chambers says Jesus Christ is the most inconsistent person who has ever walked the face of the earth.
Think about it… He forgave adulterers but convicted religious leaders. He would rather have dinner with a thief than with a scholar. He touched lepers but angered the Pharisees. He broke the religious codes but preached devotion to God. He befriended a man He knew would betray Him. He welcomed children but refused to answer politicians. He spoke in parables knowingly confusing some, allowed a man to die whom He later resurrected, He told people to respect a government obviously opposed to God.
He claimed to be the Messiah but prophesied His own death.
He was a man of seeming contradictions…or was He?
When Jesus asked His disciples if they would follow the crowds and flock away from Him, Peter answered, “Where are we going to go? You are the one with Eternal Life…If You aren’t Who you say you are, we’re all in trouble.”
How could Peter say this? Peter knew his own heart…he knew that if Jesus wasn’t Grace, if Jesus wasn’t Life, if He wasn’t Truth, Peter was damned…literally. Why? Because Peter knew he was a man of inconsistencies. He would rebuke Jesus for talking about dying for the sins of the world.  He would promise to be faithful to Jesus and yet deny Him three times. He would preach grace to Gentiles and yet side with the Jews. His name meant “rock”, but he knew he was a coward. Until the resurrection…
Peter understood his own failures…but stood amazed at the forgiveness of God. His actions were often inconsistent with what he claimed to believe. Jesus was always consistent with Grace.
I don’t understand grace…I am trying to…but I am a long ways away. Legalism preaches safety in perfectionism and perfectionism is only accomplished by following a long list of do’s and don’ts. If I can follow my list, then I won’t have to deal with the guilt and consequences of sin. I cling tightly to my list because of fear…fear of condemnation. My list becomes my “god”. I don’t have a relationship. I don’t need a Savior. I am in control. Isn’t that what Jesus wants? Isn’t that what the Bible preaches?
Who’s being inconsistent?
What do I do when I interact with people who maybe didn’t follow their own lists? What do I tell them? Is there hope? I would say “Yes!”…but then again, how I have lived my life for so many years screams: “No! There is no hope…if you violate your list, you are done for. The end. Nice knowing you.”
“Hi, my name is Nicole and I am an inconsistent legalist.” Yeah. The truth hurts.
God, free me from my own inconsistencies. Believing in grace is scary…it means I let go of all control over my life and the lives of others. It means I believe what the Bible says…
Liars are friends of God…Abraham.
Adulterers are men after God’s own heart…David.
The arrogant are chosen to lead…Joseph.
Murderers are the mightiest leaders…Moses, Paul.
Unbelievers become pillars of the church…James.
Backstabbers father Nations…Jacob.
Idolaters are priests…Aaron.
Drunkards experience miracles…Noah.
Prostitutes are the best worshippers…Mary Magdalene.
Thieves become the greatest givers…Zaccheus.
Believing in grace means I get to embark on the greatest adventure…the opportunity to see You transform lives…starting with mine.


  1. Great post! I look forward to reading your blog!

  2. Love this title...'recovering legalist'! That is what I consider myself as well. It is a hard tendency to shed, but keep at it! You sound like you have all the tools necessary and taking every thought captive has been a good key for me!
    Hooray for your new blog!!
    Sending you a big hug!

  3. I makes no difference that I have done 6 and 1/2 of the things off that list, I guess the amount of grace is just enough...right?

  4. God's grace is unlimited! David did the majority of the sins on that list as well...and yet he was considered a man after God's own heart because of GRACE!

    Message of the Bible = Grace.
    1 Corinthians 15:10-11, 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 10:22, Philippians 3:13-16

    A great book for you to read would be Andy Stanley's The Grace of God. It will rock your world!
